################################################################################ # # Licensed Material - Property of IBM # 5724-L01, 5655-N53 # Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, 2008. All Rights Reserved. # US Government Users Restricted Rights- Use, duplication or disclosure # restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # InstallShield Options File # IBM WebSphere Process Server, version 6.2 # # Wizard name: Install # Wizard source: setup.jar # # This file can be used to configure Install with the options specified below # when the wizard is run with the "-options" command line option. Read each # setting's documentation for information on how to change its value. # Enclose all values within a single pair of double quotes. # # A common use of an options file is to run the wizard in silent mode. This lets # the options file author specify wizard settings without having to run the # wizard in graphical or console mode. To use this options file for silent mode # execution, use the following command line arguments when running the wizard: # # -options "D:\installImage\WBI\responsefile.wbis.txt" -silent # ################################################################################ ################################################################################# # # License Acceptance # # Valid Values: # true - Accepts the license. Will install the product. # false - Declines the license. Install will not occur. # # If no install occurs, this will be logged to a temporary log file in the # user's temporary directory. # # By changing the silentInstallLicenseAcceptance property in this response file # to "true", you agree that you have reviewed and agree to the terms of the # IBM International Program License Agreement accompanying this program, which # is located at CD_ROOT\wbi.primary.pak\repository\legal\lafiles. If you do not # agree to these terms, do not change the value or otherwise download, install, # copy, access, or use the program and promptly return the program and proof of # entitlement to the party from whom you acquired it to obtain a refund of the # amount you paid. # -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true" ################################################################################ # # NonRoot Install Settings # # The option indicates whether you accept the limitations associated with installing # as a non-root user, as follows: # # - Creation of a Windows or Linux service for WebSphere Process Server # - Native registration with the operating system # # Port conflicts may occur with other installations of WebSphere Process Server that are not registered with the operating system. # # See the information center, (http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.nd.multiplatform.doc/info/ae/ae/cins_nonroot.html) # for more information on performing these installation actions after installation and avoiding port conflicts. # # Valid Values: # true - Accepts the limitations. Will install the product. # false - Do not accept the limitations. Install will not occur. # # Uncomment the following only if you are installing as a non-root user. Specify # one of the valid options listed above before proceeding to install: # #-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="true" ################################################################################ # # Operating System Prerequisite Checking # # If you want to disable operating system prerequisite checking, uncomment # the following line. This will notify the installer to continue with # the installation and log the warnings even though the prerequisite checking # has failed. # #-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true" ################################################################################ # # Non-blocking Prerequisite Checking # # If you want to disable non-blocking prerequisite checking, uncomment # the following line. This will notify the installer to continue with # the installation and log the warnings even though the prerequisite checking # has failed. # #-OPT disableNonBlockingPrereqChecking="true" ################################################################################ # # Install Type Settings # # The installType option designates the type of installation that will be # performed. # # The default installType option is to install a new copy of WebSphere # Process Server. # # Valid Values: # installNew - default value, installs a new copy. # addFeature - add features to an existing installation. # upgrade - upgrade an existing installation of IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus, version 6.2 # to a WebSphere Process Server, version 6.2 installation. ################################################################################ # # Install a New Copy # # To install a new copy, be sure that the installLocation option is set to a # new install location. # -OPT installType="installNew" ################################################################################ # # Create Profile for an Existing WebSphere Process Server Installation # # Valid values: # true - creates a profile for an existing installation # false - does not create a profile # # To create a profile for an existing installation, uncomment the following # entry then comment out the "installType" option above. # # Be sure the installLocation option is set to your existing install location. # #-OPT createProfile="true" ################################################################################ # # Installation Type Settings # # You need to make this selection only if the installType you selected is # "installNew". # # The wpsInstallType option designates the type of installation that will be # performed. # # Valid Values: # typical - This is a full installation of WPS. It allows you to define an # initial WPS Environment of stand-alone process server, deployment # manager or custom. # client - This is a partial installation of WPS. It allows you to run client # applications that interact with a WPS within the same cell. # ndGuided - This is a full installation of WebSphere Process Server that helps # to guide you through setting up a deployment environment. You can choose # to create a deployment manager based on a deployment environment pattern or # continue to define a deployment environment that you have already created. # # Note: ndGuided cannot be selected if you are installing using an existing # base WebSphere Application Server V6.1 -OPT wpsInstallType="typical" ################################################################################ # # iFix location # # You need to make this selection only if you wish to install additional iFixes. # Valid iFixes contained in \WBI\WBI_Fixes, if available, will be # automatically installed. # # The fixLocation option designates the folder which contains additional iFixes. # Specify a valid directory that contains additional iFixes. If the # directory contains spaces, enclose it in double-quotes. # # This option should not be set if you are performng a remote installation on the # i5/OS operating system. # # -OPT fixLocation="" # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Type of Deployment Environment Installation # # You need to make this selection only if the wpsInstallType you selected is # "ndGuided". # # The ndGuidedInstallType option designates the type of Deployment Environment # Installation you prefer. # # Valid Values: # deploymentManager - This option guides you through the creation of a # deployment manager in order to create a new deployment environment # based on the deployment environment pattern that you choose. # additionalRoles - This option guides you through the creation of a custom # profile on a deployment environment that you have already defined. # You will choose the cluster members to create for this custom profile. # You will need to be able to connect to the running deployment manager # on that deployment environment. # # For example, to select to create a new deployment environment, use # # -OPT ndGuidedInstallType="deploymentManager" # ################################################################################ # # New Deployment Environment # # You need to make these selections only if the wpsInstallType you selected is # "ndGuided" and ndGuidedInstallType you selected is "deploymentManager". ################################################################################ # # Deployment Environment Installation Administrative Security # # Specify the user name for administrative security # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # # -OPT PROF_adminUserName= # # Specify the password for the user specified in PROF_adminUserName # # Valid Values: # a character string # # -OPT PROF_adminPassword= # ################################################################################ # # Deployment Manager Configuration # # Choose the deployment environment pattern to use for the deployment environment installation. # # Valid Values: # Reference - Remote Messaging and Remote Support # CondensedAsync - Remote Messaging # CondensedSync - Single Cluster # # For example, to select to create a single cluster pattern, use # # -OPT PROF_topologyPattern="CondensedSync" # ################################################################################ # # Specify if you want to execute scripts for existing database table creation. # If you select PROF_dbType to be "DERBY_NETWORKSERVER", then the value of # PROF_dbDelayConfig should be "false". # # Valid Values: # true - Indicates that you want to execute scripts for existing database # table creation. # false - Indicates that you do not want to execute scripts for existing # database table creation. # # For example, to execute scripts for existing database table creation, use # # -OPT PROF_dbDelayConfig="true" # ################################################################################ # # Choose a database product you want to use # # Valid Values: # DERBY_NETWORKSERVER - Derby Network Server # DB2_Universal - DB2 Universal # Oracle9i - Oracle 9i # Oracle10g - Oracle 10g or 11g # # For example, to select Derby Network Server as your preferred database product, use # # -OPT PROF_dbType="DERBY_NETWORKSERVER" # ################################################################################ # # Specify a database name to use # # -OPT PROF_dbName="" # ################################################################################ # # Specify a database server host name (for example, IP address) and port number # # -OPT PROF_dbHostName="" # -OPT PROF_dbServerPort="" # ################################################################################ # # Specify a user name and password to authenticate with the database. You need to # provide this information only if the PROF_dbType you selected is "DB2_Universal", # "Oracle9i" or "Oracle10g". # # -OPT PROF_dbUserId="" # -OPT PROF_dbPassword="" # ################################################################################ # # Specify the location (directory) of the JDBC driver classpath files. You need to # provide this information only if the PROF_dbType you selected is "DB2_Universal", # "Oracle9i" or "Oracle10g". # # -OPT PROF_dbJDBCClasspath="" # ################################################################################ # # Specify the JDBC driver type. You need to # provide this information only if the PROF_dbType you selected is "Oracle9i" or # "Oracle10g". # # Valid Values: # ORACLE_OCI - oci JDBC driver type # ORACLE_THIN - thin JDBC driver type # # For example, to select oci as the JDBC driver type, use # # -OPT PROF_dbDriverType="ORACLE_OCI" # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Configure Clusters On Existing Deployment Environment # # You need to make these selections only if the wpsInstallType you selected is # "ndGuided" and ndGuidedInstallType you selected is "additionalRoles". ################################################################################ # # Specify the host name (IP address), SOAP port number, user name and password for # deployment manager connection # # -OPT PROF_dmgrHost="" # -OPT PROF_dmgrPort="" # -OPT PROF_dmgrAdminUserName="" # -OPT PROF_dmgrAdminPassword="" # ################################################################################ # # Specify the location (directory) of the JDBC driver classpath files. # # -OPT PROF_dbJDBCClasspath="" # ################################################################################ # # Choose at least one cluster to assign this node to on the deployment environment topology. # For more than one selection, use comma (,) as the separator. # # Valid Values: # ADT - Application Deployment Target # Messaging - Messaging Infrastructure # Support - Support Infrastructure # # NOTE: # If the existing deployment environment pattern on the deployment manager is of type # "CondensedSync", then the only cluster available is "ADT", whereas if the # existing deployment environment pattern on the deployment manager is of type # "CondensedAsync", then the only clusters available are "ADT" and "Messaging". # # For example if the existing deployment environment pattern on the deployment manager is of # type "Reference", and if you want to configure "ADT" cluster on the deployment environment, # use # # -OPT PROF_topologyRole="ADT" # # For example if the existing deployment environment pattern on the deployment manager is of # type "Reference", and if you want to configure "ADT" and "Messaging" clusters on the # deployment environment, use # # -OPT PROF_topologyRole="ADT,Messaging" # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # "Process Server samples" feature # # You need to make this selection only if the wpsInstallType you selected is # "typical" or "ndGuided". # # The selection state of the "Process Server samples" feature. # # Valid values: # # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation. # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation, # this is the default option. # # For example, to select "Process Server samples" for installation, use # # -OPT samplesSelected="true" # # ** Note if samplesSelected="true" and PROF_enableAdminSecurity="true", # you must provide a password by uncommenting and specifying a value for # PROF_samplesPassword in Administrative Security section below # -OPT samplesSelected="false" ################################################################################ # # Incremental Install # # If you are installing additional features on top of an existing installation, # (e.g. incremental install), uncomment the following line. This will notify # the installer that you are doing an incremental install. # #-OPT installType="addFeature" # # For already installed features, set the appropriate property to false. # For new features you want to install, set appropriate property to true. # # For example, you have installed core product feature, now you want to install # samples feature, the active properties should be: # # -OPT samplesSelected="true" # # Be sure the installLocation option is set to your existing install location. # ################################################################################ # # Install Location # # The install location of the product. Specify a valid directory into which the # product should be installed. If the directory contains spaces, enclose it in # double-quotes as shown in the Windows example below. Note that spaces in the # install location is only supported on Windows operating systems. Maximum path # length is 60 characters for Windows 2000 and Windows XP. # # Below is the list of default install locations for each supported operating # system when you're installing as a root user. By default, in this response # file, the Windows install location is used. If you want to use the default # install location for another operating system, uncomment the appropriate # default install location entry and then comment out the # Windows operating system entry below. # # AIX Default Install Location: # #-OPT installLocation="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/ProcServer" # # Linux Default Install Location: # #-OPT installLocation="/opt/ibm/WebSphere/ProcServer" # # HP-UX or Solaris Default Install Location: # #-OPT installLocation="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/ProcServer" # # i5OS Default Install Location: # #-OPT installLocation="/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/ProcServer" # # Windows Default Install Location: # -OPT installLocation="/opt/IBM/WAS/6.2/ProcServer" # # If you are installing as non-root user on Unix or non-administrator on # Windows, the following default install locations are suggested. Be sure you # have write permission for the install location chosen. # # AIX Default Install Location: # #-OPT installLocation="/IBM/WebSphere/ProcServer" # # Linux Default Install Location: # #-OPT installLocation="/ibm/WebSphere/ProcServer" # # HP-UX, Solaris or Linux Default Install Location: # #-OPT installLocation="/IBM/WebSphere/ProcServer" # # Windows Default Install Location: # #-OPT installLocation="C:\IBM\WebSphere\ProcServer" ################################################################################ # # Use Existing IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 # # If you intend to use an existing installation of WebSphere Application Server V6.1 or # WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V6.1, then the following useExistingWAS # option should be set to "true". If you would like to install a new copy of # WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V6.1, the property should be set to "false". # # If the option is set to "true", you must set the above installLocation option to the install root # of the existing WAS installation. # # Note that the install will fail if WebSphere Process Server has already been installed # in the existing WAS install location. # -OPT useExistingWAS="false" ################################################################################ # # i5/OS Profiles Location # # The desired default location of profiles. For new installs on the i5 operating system, # specify a valid directory into which the profiles should be created. # For installs using an existing installation of IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1, # specify the same default profile location directory used by the existing WAS installation. # # Uncomment the default profile install location below for installations to the i5 operating system. # #-OPT defaultProfileLocation="/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/ProcServer" ################################################################################ # # Profile Creation Selection # # Use this option to indicate the type of profile you would like to create. # # You need to make this selection only if the wpsInstallType you selected is # "typical". If the wpsInstallType you selected is "ndGuided", then you should # set profileType as "none". # # Valid Values: # # deploymentManager - a profile will be created with a deployment manager. # standAlone - a profile will be created with a stand alone Process server. # custom - a profile will be created with an empty node # none - a profile will not be created during installation. # # This option is required for the installation. Do not comment it out! # # For example, to select "standAlone" profile creation for installation, use # -OPT profileType="none" ################################################################################ # # Administrative Security # # Choose whether to enable Administrative security during the installation # process. # # If profileType="custom", Administrative security should be disabled, use #-OPT PROF_enableAdminSecurity="false" # # Valid Values: # true - Administrative security is enabled, user name and # password required. # false - Administrative security is not enabled. # #-OPT PROF_enableAdminSecurity="false" ################################################################################ # # Security Options # # The following two options should only be uncommented when # PROF_enableAdminSecurity="true". # # If PROF_enableAdminSecurity="false", the following entries will be # disregarded. # # If PROF_enableAdminSecurity="true", the following entries are required and must # be filled out before proceeding with silent installation. # # Specify the user name for administrative security # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_adminUserName= # # Specify the password for the user specified in PROF_adminUserName # # Valid Values: # a character string # #-OPT PROF_adminPassword= # # The following option should only be uncommented when samplesSelected="true" and # PROF_enableAdminSecurity="true" # Specify the password for samples user # # Valid Values: # a character string # #-OPT PROF_samplesPassword= ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # The following options are related to creating profiles and can only be used # when installType="installNew" or createProfile="true". The options are dependent # on the profileType option specified in the previous section. # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Deployment Manager Profile # # if profileType="deploymentManager", use the following profile creation # options: # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Profile name # # Specify the name of the profile for the Deployment Manager. The profile # name must be unique for this WebSphere Process Server installation. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_profileName= ################################################################################ # # Profile path # # Specify a valid directory to contain the files that define the run-time environment, # such as commands,configuration files, and log files. # # Valid Values: An empty directory, the user must have proper permissions to the directory, # there must be adequate disk space, total path cannot be greater than 80 (windows) # #-OPT PROF_profilePath= ################################################################################ # # Default Profile # # To make this profile the default target of commands that do not use their profile parameter. # Valid Values: # true - make this the default profile. # false - do not make this the default profile. # # -OPT PROF_isDefault="true" ################################################################################ # # Host name # # Specify the host name for the Deployment Manager. The host name is the domain # name system (DNS) name (short or long) or the IP address of this computer. # Valid Values: a valid hostname or IP address # #-OPT PROF_hostName= ################################################################################ # # Deployment Manager Node name # # Specify the node name for the deployment manager. Node names within a cell # must be unique. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_nodeName= ################################################################################ # # Cell name # # Specify the cell name for the profile to be created. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # # -OPT PROF_cellName= ################################################################################ # # Starting Port # # Specify the starting port number for generating all ports for the profile. # Do not use this parameter with the PROF_portsFile or PROF_defaultPorts parameters. # # Valid values: a positive integer port value, within the valid port range # #-OPT PROF_startingPort= ################################################################################ # # Port File # # Specify the path to a property file containing the desired port values for # the new profile. Do not use this parameter with the PROF_startingPort or # PROF_defaultPorts parameters. # Valid values: A fully qualified path to a valid ports property file # #-OPT PROF_portsFile= ################################################################################ # # Default ports # # Specify the default ports are to be used for the new profile. # Do not use this parameter with the PROF_portsFile or PROF_startingPort parameters. # # Valid values: # true - use WAS default ports. # false - do not use WAS default ports. # #-OPT PROF_defaultPorts="true" ################################################################################ # # Validate Ports # # Validate ports to ensure they are not reserved or in use. # Valid values: # true - enables port validation # false - disables port validation # #-OPT PROF_validatePorts="true" ################################################################################ # # WinService Check # # Specify whether you want to run this server as a windows service # # Valid values: # true - run as Windows service. # false - do not run as Windows service. # #-OPT PROF_winserviceCheck="true" ################################################################################ # # WinService Account Type # # Specify the type of the owner account of the Windows service to create. # Uncomment the following ONLY if PROF_winserviceCheck="true" # # Valid values: specifieduser or localsystem # #-OPT PROF_winserviceAccountType= ################################################################################ # # WinService User Name # # Specify the user name for the windows service. Uncomment the # following ONLY if PROF_winserviceCheck="true" # # Valid values: a valid user name for the current system # #-OPT PROF_winserviceUserName= ################################################################################ # # WinService Password # # Specify the password for the user specified by the winserviceUserName parameter # Uncomment the following ONLY if PROF_winserviceCheck="true" # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_winservicePassword= ################################################################################ # # WinService Startup Type # # Specify the start up method for the windows service # Uncomment the following ONLY if PROF_winserviceCheck="true" # # Valid values: # manual - windows service must be started manually. # automatic - windows service will start automatically after reboot. # disabled - service is disabled. # # -OPT PROF_winserviceStartupType="automatic" ################################################################################ # # LinuxService Check # # Specify whether you want to run this server as a Linux service. # # Note that the root permission is required to enable Linux service. # # Valid values: # true - run as a Linux service. # false - do not run as a Linux service. # #-OPT PROF_enableService="true" ################################################################################ # # LinuxService User Name # # Specify the name of the user you wish this service to be run as. Uncomment the # following ONLY if PROF_enableService="true". Linux services can only be created # from profile creation if the current user is the root user. # # Valid values: a valid Linux user name # #-OPT PROF_serviceUserName= ################################################################################ # Omit Action # # Use this option to omit the config action specified # # Valid values: A valid name for an optional config action: deployAdminConsole # #-OPT PROF_omitAction="deployAdminConsole" ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Stand-Alone Profile # # if profileType="standAlone", you may use the following profile creation # options: # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Profile name # # Specify the name of the profile for the Process Server. The profile # name must be unique for this WebSphere Process Server installation. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_profileName= ################################################################################ # # Profile path # # Specify a valid directory to contain the files that define the run-time environment, # such as commands,configuration files, and log files. # # Valid Values: An empty directory, the user must have proper permissions to the directory, # there must be adequate disk space, total path cannot be greater than 80 (windows) # #-OPT PROF_profilePath= ################################################################################ # # Default Profile # # To make this profile the default target of commands that do not use their profile parameter. # Valid Values: # true - make this the default profile. # false - do not make this the default profile. # # -OPT PROF_isDefault="true" ################################################################################ # # Host name # # Specify the host name for the Process Server. The host name is the domain # name system (DNS) name (short or long) or the IP address of this computer. # Valid Values: a valid hostname or IP address # #-OPT PROF_hostName= ################################################################################ # # Process Server Node name # # Specify the node name for the Process Server. Node name under one cell # has to be unique. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_nodeName= ################################################################################ # # Cell name # # Specify the cell name for the profile to be created. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # # -OPT PROF_cellName= ################################################################################ # # Starting Port # # Specify the starting port number for generating all ports for the profile. # Do not use this parameter with the PROF_portsFile or PROF_defaultPorts parameters. # # Valid values: a positive integer port value, within the valid port range # #-OPT PROF_startingPort= ################################################################################ # # Port File # # Specify the path to a property file containing the desired port values for # the new profile. Do not use this parameter with the PROF_startingPort or # PROF_defaultPorts parameters. # Valid values: A fully qualified path to a valid ports property file # #-OPT PROF_portsFile= ################################################################################ # # Default Ports # # Specify the default ports are to be used for the new profile. # Do not use this parameter with the PROF_portsFile or PROF_startingPort parameters. # # Valid values: # true - use WAS default ports. # false - do not use WAS default ports. # #-OPT PROF_defaultPorts="true" ################################################################################ # # Validate Ports # # Validate ports to ensure they are not reserved or in use. # Valid values: # true - enables port validation # false - disables port validation # #-OPT PROF_validatePorts="true" ################################################################################ # # WinService Check # # Specify whether you want to run this server as a windows service # # Valid values: # true - run as Windows service. # false - do not run as Windows service. # #-OPT PROF_winserviceCheck="true" ################################################################################ # # WinService Account Type # # Specify the type of the owner account of the Windows service to create. # Uncomment the following ONLY if PROF_winserviceCheck="true" # # Valid values: specifieduser or localsystem # #-OPT PROF_winserviceAccountType= ################################################################################ # # WinService User Name # # Specify the user name for the windows service. Uncomment the # following ONLY if PROF_winserviceCheck="true" # # Valid values: a valid user name for the current system # #-OPT PROF_winserviceUserName= ################################################################################ # # WinService Password # # Specify the password for the user specified by the winserviceUserName parameter # Uncomment the following ONLY if PROF_winserviceCheck="true" # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_winservicePassword= ################################################################################ # # WinService Startup Type # # Specify the start up method for the windows service # Uncomment the following ONLY if PROF_winserviceCheck="true" # # Valid values: # manual - windows service must be started manually. # automatic - windows service will start automatically after reboot. # disabled - service is disabled. # # -OPT PROF_winserviceStartupType="automatic" ################################################################################ # # LinuxService Check # # Specify whether you want to run this server as a Linux service. # # Note that the root permission is required to enable Linux service. # # Valid values: # true - run as a Linux service. # false - do not run as a Linux service. # #-OPT PROF_enableService="true" ################################################################################ # # LinuxService User Name # # Specify the name of the user you wish this service to be run as. Uncomment the # following ONLY if PROF_enableService="true". Linux services can only be created # from profile creation if the current user is the root user. # # Valid values: a valid Linux user name # #-OPT PROF_serviceUserName= ################################################################################ # # WebServer Check # # Specify whether you wish to set the web server definition. # # Valid values: # true - enable the creation of a webserver definition. # false - do not enable the creation of a webserver definition. # #-OPT PROF_webServerCheck="true" ################################################################################ # # WebServer Type # # Specify the type of web server you are creating. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if PROF_webServerCheck="true". # # Valid values (case sensitive): IHS | IIS | SUNJAVASYSTEM | DOMINO | APACHE | HTTPSERVER_ZOS # #-OPT PROF_webServerType= ################################################################################ # # WebServer OS # # Specify the operating system of the system where the web server is # installed. Uncomment the following if and ONLY if PROF_webServerCheck="true". # # Valid values: linux | windows | aix | hpux | solaris | os390 | os400 # #-OPT PROF_webServerOS= ################################################################################ # # WebServer Name # # Specify the name of the web server. Uncomment the following if and ONLY if # PROF_webServerCheck="true". # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_webServerName= ################################################################################ # # WebServer Hostname # # Specify the hostname of the system with the web server. Uncomment the following # if and ONLY if PROF_webServerCheck="true". # # Valid values: a valid hostname or IP address # #-OPT PROF_webServerHostname= ################################################################################ # # WebServer Port # # Specify the port from which the web server can be accessed. Uncomment the # following if and ONLY if PROF_webServerCheck="true". # # Valid values: a valid port number # #-OPT PROF_webServerPort= ################################################################################ # # WebServer Install Path # # Specify the installation path of the web server (local or remote). # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if PROF_webServerCheck="true". # # Valid values: a valid directory path # #-OPT PROF_webServerInstallPath= ################################################################################ # # WebServer Plugin Path # # Specify the path to the plugins that will be used by this web server. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if PROF_webServerCheck="true". # # Valid values: a valid directory path # #-OPT PROF_webServerPluginPath= ################################################################################ # # Omit Action # # Use this option to omit the config action specified # # Valid values: one of the following optional config actions # deployAdminConsole # defaultAppDeployAndConfig # samplesInstallAndConfig # #-OPT PROF_omitAction= ################################################################################ # # Developer Server # # Use this option to indicate that the default server is meant for development purposes only. # # Valid values: # true - mark this default server for development purposes only. # false - do not mark this default server for development purposes only. # #-OPT PROF_isDeveloperServer="true" ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Custom Profile # # if profileType="custom", you may use the following profile creation options: # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Profile name # # Specify the name of the profile for the Process Server. The profile # name must be unique for this WebSphere Process Server installation. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_profileName= ################################################################################ # # Profile path # # Specify a valid directory to contain the files that define the run-time environment, # such as commands,configuration files, and log files. # # Valid Values: An empty directory, the user must have proper permissions to the directory, # there must be adequate disk space, total path cannot be greater than 80 (windows) # #-OPT PROF_profilePath= ################################################################################ # # Default Profile # # To make this profile the default target of commands that do not use their profile parameter. # Valid Values: # true - make this the default profile. # false - do not make this the default profile. # #-OPT PROF_isDefault="true" ################################################################################ # # Deployment Manager Hostname # # Specify the hostname or address of the machine where the deployment manager # is running. # # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set PROF_federateLater="false" # # Valid values: a valid deployment manager hostname # #-OPT PROF_dmgrHost="localhost" ################################################################################ # # Deployment Manager Port # # Specify the SOAP port of the deployment manager. # # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set PROF_federateLater="false" # # Valid values: a valid port number # #-OPT PROF_dmgrPort="8879" ################################################################################ # # Deployment Manager Admin User Name # # Specify an administrative username that can be authenticated, if # administrative security on the deployment manager is enabled. # # Valid values: a valid deployment manager admin username # #-OPT PROF_dmgrAdminUserName= ################################################################################ # # Deployment Manager Admin Password # # Specify a password that can be authenticated, if administrative security # on the deployment manager is enabled. # # Valid values: a valid deployment manager password # #-OPT PROF_dmgrAdminPassword= ################################################################################ # # Host name # # Specify the host name for the Process Server. The host name is the domain # name system (DNS) name (short or long) or the IP address of this computer. # Valid Values: a valid hostname or IP address # #-OPT PROF_hostName= ################################################################################ # # Process Server Node name # # Specify the node name for the Process Server. Node name under one cell # has to be unique. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_nodeName= ################################################################################ # # Cell name # # Specify the cell name for the profile to be created. # # Valid Values: # a character string - do not use the following characters: # /, \, *, , , :, ;, =, +, ?, |, <, >, &, %, ', ", ]]>, #, $, ^, {, } # Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character. # #-OPT PROF_cellName= ################################################################################ # # Port File # # Specify the path to a property file containing the desired port values for # the new profile. Do not use this parameter with the PROF_startingPort or # PROF_defaultPorts parameters. # Valid values: A fully qualified path to a valid ports property file # #-OPT PROF_portsFile= ################################################################################ # # Federate Later # # Specify whether federation of the node will be done at a later time. # # This property should be set to 'true' if createProfile="true" and the deployment # manager specified by PROF_dmgrHost and PROF_dmgrPort is located in the same # installLocation this custom profile is being created. # # Valid Values: # true - federate this node later. # false - federate this node now. #-OPT PROF_federateLater="false" ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # The following options are advanced profile creation parameters # ################################################################################ # # Common database product # # Specify the appropriate database product you wish to configure Common database with. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbType. # # Valid values: DERBY_EMBEDDED (invalid if profileType="deploymentManager") # DERBY_NETWORKSERVER # DB2_Universal # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # DB2UDBISERIES_NATIVE (only valid if installing on a i5/OS system) # DB2UDBISERIES_TOOLBOX # INFORMIX # MSSQLSERVER_DataDirect # MSSQLSERVER_Embedded # Oracle9i # Oracle10g (used for Oracle 10g as well as Oracle 11g) # # -OPT PROF_dbType= # ################################################################################ # # Common database name # # Specify the database name for the Common database. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbName. # # Valid values: A valid database name # # -OPT PROF_dbName= # ################################################################################ # # Location for exported database scripts # # Specify the location for exported database scripts. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbOutputScriptDir. # # Valid values: A valid location for exported database scripts # # -OPT PROF_dbOutputScriptDir= # ################################################################################ # # Common Event Infrastructure database name # # Specify the database name for the Common Event Infrastructure. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiDbName # and if profileType="standAlone". # # Valid values: A valid database name # # -OPT PROF_ceiDbName= # ################################################################################ # # Delay execution of database scripts # # Specify if you wish to postpone table creation until after the profile is created. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbDelayConfig. # Setting this parameter is mandatory if you are using a remote database with the following exceptions: # Do not set this parameter if dbType="DERBY_EMBEDDED" or dbType="DERBY_NETWORKSERVER". # Do not set this paremeter if dbType="DB2UDBISERIES_TOOLBOX" and the profile is not being created on an i5/OS system. # Valid values: true # false # # -OPT PROF_dbDelayConfig= # ################################################################################ # # File store for Messaging Engines # # Specify if you wish to use the file store data store for the messaging engines. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_fileStoreForME # and if profileType="standAlone" and if dbCommonForME="false". # # Valid values: true # false # # -OPT PROF_fileStoreForME= # ################################################################################ # # Common database for Messaging Engines # # Specify if you wish to use the Common database for messaging engines. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbCommonForME # and if profileType="standAlone" and if fileStoreForME="false" and if dbType is not equal to "DERBY_EMBEDDED". # # Valid values: true # false # # -OPT PROF_dbCommonForME= # ################################################################################ # # Common database server name # # Specify which server name to configure for the Common database. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbServerName. # Required for following database products: # MSSQLSERVER_DataDirect # MSSQLSERVER_Embedded # # Valid values: A valid server name # # -OPT PROF_dbServerName= # ################################################################################ # # Common database server port # # Specify the port to connect to the database for the Common database server. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbServerPort. # Required for following database products: # DERBY_NETWORKSERVER # DB2_Universal # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # INFORMIX # MSSQLSERVER_DataDirect # MSSQLSERVER_Embedded # Oracle9i # Oracle10g # # Valid values: a valid port number # # -OPT PROF_dbServerPort= # ################################################################################ # # Common database host name # # Specify the host name for the Common database. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbHostName. # Required for following database products: # DERBY_NETWORKSERVER # DB2_Universal # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # DB2UDBISERIES_TOOLBOX # INFORMIX # MSSQLSERVER_DataDirect # MSSQLSERVER_Embedded # Oracle9i # Oracle10g # # Valid values: a valid host name # # -OPT PROF_dbHostName= # ################################################################################ # # Common database user id # # Specify the user id to authenticate with the common database. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbUserId and PROF_dbPassword. # Required for following database products: # DERBY_NETWORKSERVER # DB2_Universal # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # DB2UDBISERIES_TOOLBOX # INFORMIX # MSSQLSERVER_DataDirect # MSSQLSERVER_Embedded # Oracle9i # Oracle10g # # Valid values: a valid database user id # # -OPT PROF_dbUserId= # ################################################################################ # # Password for Common database user id # # Specify the password for the user id to used to authenticate with the common database. # Required for following database products: # DERBY_NETWORKSERVER # DB2_Universal # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # DB2UDBISERIES_TOOLBOX # INFORMIX # MSSQLSERVER_DataDirect # MSSQLSERVER_Embedded # Oracle9i # Oracle10g # # Valid values: a valid password for the database user id specified by PROF_dbUserId parameter # # -OPT PROF_dbPassword= # ################################################################################ # # Common database JDBC Classpath # # Specify the JDBC Classpath for the Common database. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbJDBCClasspath. # Required for following database products: # DB2_Universal # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # DB2UDBISERIES_TOOLBOX # INFORMIX # MSSQLSERVER_DataDirect # Oracle9i # Oracle10g # # Valid values: a valid JDBC Classpath # # -OPT PROF_dbJDBCClasspath= # ################################################################################ # # Specify the JDBC driver type. You need to # provide this information only if the PROF_dbType you selected is "Oracle9i" or # "Oracle10g". # # Valid Values: # ORACLE_OCI - oci JDBC driver type # ORACLE_THIN - thin JDBC driver type # # For example, to select oci as the JDBC driver type, use # # -OPT PROF_dbDriverType="ORACLE_OCI" # ################################################################################ # # Database schema name # # Specify the database schema name # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbSchemaName. # Required for following database products: # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # # Valid values: a valid database schema name # # -OPT PROF_dbSchemaName= # ################################################################################ # # User id with privileges for the Common Event Infrastructure # # Specify the userid that has privileges to create, drop the databases and users for the Common Event Infrastructure. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiSaUser and PROF_ceiSaPassword and if dbDelayConfig="false". # Only used for CEI_DB_SQL_SERVER. # # Valid values: a valid userid with privileges for the Common Event Infrastructure # # -OPT PROF_ceiSaUser= # ################################################################################ # # Password for the user with privileges for the Common Event Infrastructure # # Specify the password for the user specified with the PROF_ceiSaUser parameter. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiSaUser and PROF_ceiSaPassword and if dbDelayConfig="false". # Only used for CEI_DB_SQL_SERVER. # # Valid values: a valid password for the PROF_ceiSaUser # # -OPT PROF_ceiSaPassword= # ################################################################################ # # Database system userid for the Common database # # Specify the database system userid for the Common database. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbSysUserId and PROF_dbSysPassword and if dbDelayConfig="false". # Do not set this parameter if wpsInstallType="ndGuided". # Only used for Oracle9i and Oracle10g # # Valid values: a valid Oracle user that has SYSDBA privileges # # -OPT PROF_dbSysUserId= # ################################################################################ # # Password for the database system user for the Common database # # Specify the password for the user specified with the PROF_ceiDbSysUser parameter. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbSysUserId and PROF_dbSysPassword and if dbDelayConfig="false". # Do not set this parameter if wpsInstallType="ndGuided". # Only used for Oracle9i and Oracle10g # # Valid values: a valid password for Oracle user # # -OPT PROF_dbSysPassword= # ################################################################################ # # Database storage group name # # Specify the database storage group name. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbStorageGroup. # Required for following database products: # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # # Valid values: a valid database storage group name. # # -OPT PROF_dbStorageGroup= # ################################################################################ # # Database location name. # # Specify the database location name. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbConnectionLocation. # Required for following database products: # DB2UDBOS390_V9_1 # DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 # DB2UDBISERIES_TOOLBOX # # Valid values: a valid database location name. # In order to avoid naming conflicts, specify a collection name whose first 3 characters # are unique from the names of other collections residing in the database # # -OPT PROF_dbConnectionLocation= # ################################################################################ # # Database instance name # # Specify the database instance name # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbInstance. # Required for following database products: # INFORMIX # # Valid values: a valid database instance name. # # -OPT PROF_dbInstance= # ################################################################################ # # Database installation location. # # Specify the database installation location. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_dbLocation and if dbDelayConfig="false" and if wpsInstallType is not equal to "ndGuided". # Required for following database products: # INFORMIX # Oracle9i # Oracle10g # # Valid values: a valid database installation location. # # -OPT PROF_dbLocation= # ################################################################################ # # Configure Business Space # # Specify if you wish to configure Business Space. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if PROF_configureBSpace="true" and if profileType="standAlone". # # Valid values: # true - configure Business Space. # false - do not configure Business Space. # # -OPT PROF_configureBSpace= # ################################################################################ # # Configure Business Rules Manager # # Specify if you wish to configure Business Rules Manager. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if PROF_configureBRM="true" and if profileType="standAlone". # # Valid values: # true - configure Business Rules Manager. # false - do not configure Business Rules Manager. # # -OPT PROF_configureBRM= # ################################################################################ # # Create the Business Process Choreographer sample configuration # # Specify if you wish that the Business Process Choreographer sample configuration be created. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if PROF_configureBPC="true" and if profileType="standAlone" and security has been enabled. # # Valid values: # true - create the Business Process Choreographer sample configuration. # false - do not create the Business Process Choreographer sample configuration # # -OPT PROF_configureBPC= # ################################################################################ # # Override the data source # # Specify if you wish that the Common Event Infrastructure should override the data source. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if PROF_ceiOverrideDataSource="true" # # Valid values: # true - Common Event Infrastructure should override the data source. # false - Common Event Infrastructure should not override the data source. # # -OPT PROF_ceiOverrideDataSource= # ################################################################################ # # Event catalog database name. # # Specify the event catalog database name to be created. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiEventCatalogDBName. # Only used for CEI_DB_DB2_ZOS # # Valid values: a valid event catalog database name. # # -OPT PROF_ceiEventCatalogDBName= # ################################################################################ # # Common Event Infrastructure database disk size # # Specify the database disk size for the Common Event Infrastructure. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiDiskSizeInMB. # Only used for CEI_DB_DB2_ZOS # # Valid values: a valid number greater than or equal to 10, indicating disk size in MB # # -OPT PROF_ceiDiskSizeInMB= # ################################################################################ # # Name of 4K buffer pool. # # Specify the name of 4K buffer pool. This buffer pool must be active before the database DDL scripts can be run. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiBufferPool4K. # Required for following database product: # CEI_DB_DB2_ZOS # # Valid values: a valid 4K buffer pool name. # # -OPT PROF_ceiBufferPool4K= # ################################################################################ # # Name of 8K buffer pool. # # Specify the name of 8K buffer pool. This buffer pool must be active before the database DDL scripts can be run. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiBufferPool8K. # Required for following database product: # CEI_DB_DB2_ZOS # # Valid values: a valid 8K buffer pool name. # # -OPT PROF_ceiBufferPool8K= # ################################################################################ # # Name of 16K buffer pool. # # Specify the name of 16K buffer pool. This buffer pool must be active before the database DDL scripts can be run. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiBufferPool16K. # Required for following database product: # CEI_DB_DB2_ZOS # # Valid values: a valid 16K buffer pool name. # # -OPT PROF_ceiBufferPool16K= # ################################################################################ # # Common Event Infrastructure database user id # # Specify the user id to authenticate with the database for the Common Event Infrastructure. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiDbUser and PROF_ceiDbPassword. # Required on CEI_DB_SQL_SERVER (embedded and datadirect and only required if PROF_dbDelayConfig="true") # # Valid values: a valid database user id # # -OPT PROF_ceiDbUser= # ################################################################################ # # Password for Common Event Infrastructure database user id # # Specify the password for the user id to used to authenticate with the database for the Common Event Infrastructure. # Required on CEI_DB_SQL_SERVER (embedded and datadirect and only required if PROF_dbDelayConfig="true") # # Valid values: a valid password for the database user id specified by PROF_ceiDbUser parameter # # -OPT PROF_ceiDbPassword= # ################################################################################ # # Database instance prefix for the Common Event Infrastructure # # Specify the database instance prefix for the Common Event Infrastructure. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiInstancePrefix. # Only used for CEI_DB_INFORMIX, CEI_DB_ORACLE, CEI_DB_SQL_SERVER # # Valid values: a valid database instance prefix for the Common Event Infrastructure # # -OPT PROF_ceiInstancePrefix= # ################################################################################ # # Database server name for the Common Event Infrastructure. # # Specify the database server name for the Common Event Infrastructure. # Uncomment the following if and ONLY if you set a valid value to PROF_ceiDbServerName. # Required on CEI_DB_SQL_SERVER (embedded and datadirect and only required if PROF_dbDelayConfig="true") # # Valid values: a valid database server name for the Common Event Infrastructure. # # -OPT PROF_ceiDbServerName= # ################################################################################ # # Tracing Control # # The trace output format can be controlled via the option # -OPT traceFormat=ALL # # The choices for the format are 'text' and 'XML'. By default, both formats will be produced, in two different trace files. # # If only one format is required, use the traceFormat option to specify which one, as follows: # # Valid Values: # text - Lines in the trace file will be in a plain text format for easy readability. # XML - Lines in the trace file will be in the standard Java logging XML format which can be viewed using any text or XML editor or using the Chainsaw tool from Apache (http://logging.apache.org/log4j/docs/chainsaw.html). # # # # The amount of trace info captured can be controlled using the option: # -OPT traceLevel=INFO # # Valid Values: # # Level Numerical Level Description # OFF 0 No trace file is produced # SEVERE 1 Only severe errors are output to trace file # WARNING 2 Messages regarding non-fatal exceptions and warnings are added to trace file # INFO 3 Informational messages are added to the trace file (this is the default trace level) # CONFIG 4 Configuration related messages are added to the trace file # FINE 5 Tracing method calls for public methods # FINER 6 Tracing method calls for non public methods except getters and setters # FINEST 7 Trace all method calls, trace entry/exit will include parameters and return value